Very good
Well, over the years u learn things, and one thing i learned is that people are shit. Yup thats right, whenever they can they will stomp u and squeeze u under they mighty IGNORANCE foot. Some of them insult, others hit, and most of them do both for a superb combo of INTOLERANCE.
Now, are all the people like this?... No, but they are sadly a big mayority. From now on we are going to call this mayority the "shit people".
Ok, so whats my point with all this?. My point is that, this presentation will be useful to enlight open minded people, with not an already prejuice against furrys. Those who thaught "THEY ARE DIFFERENT THEY ARE WRONG" before seeing this, they wont bother viewing it, or they will watch and learn nothing from it, clouded by their own hate.
Shit people Hates different way of perceiving/enjoying life. If u think, act, laugh, love, dress, etc, different they will hate u, and thats it, no matter what u do, that wont change.
Why are them like that?, i dont know, maybe they are so miserable that actually seing someone enjoying makes them angry. Who knows.
So to conclude this long review, i wish u and your community the best of luck, just enjoy hanging out with your friends, and dont mind assholes they wont change.
Always remember my friends, the best vengance is living happily ;-). bye =)