not bad
Its not Mario bros Z, but its decent
not bad
Its not Mario bros Z, but its decent
Well very good man, its great to see something about sonic that is not sprite made. The drawings are very good, and the voice actors are great too.
The only thing i could criticize a bit is the animation. Is there any way u can make it more fluid?, in some parts it seems like there were frames missing when the chars move.
I'll give a 10/10 and 5/5 anyway couse i know u will improve that in the near future.
Great work man.
Thank you for the review, I will animate better :D
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Hahahaha Freakin awesome dude, superb. i laughed my ass off with the song, still (and no offense) the " PS3 Song" is a bit better than this song, but it was really funny anyway.
a 4/5 and 9/10 =)
Very cool animation i liked it, Soccer rules =).
Very funny man
8/10 to me man, really funny great job
Neat man
Very clean animation, sweet fights, cool SFX. Now the only thing i can say that it was a bit too short and like u said, it kinda lacks of a plot, who is that weirdo and why the hell does he goes around kamehazing, and why the "megaman taking a crap" wants him dead, and a whole bunch of other questions.
So i would like to suggest a longer sequel, with more time to explain what the hell is going on =P.
10/10 and 5/5 keep it up man.
Very very very funny, the song is very cool congratulations man.
Joined on 12/14/06